For my online Music Theory course, I was asked a series of questions about my "personal soundtrack". One of the questions was something along the lines of, "please pick one song to identify with and explain why."
For some, they love music a lot. But for me, music is, quite literally, my life. I play flute, piccolo, piano, and a little guitar. I sing in choir, I'm in marching band. I'm going to give private flute lessons this summer. I enjoy listening to my own choice of music. Honestly, I do nothing inside or outside of school that I enjoy more.
Scratch that, I enjoy theatre probably a little more, but music ties for the top spot.
Anyway, while I think that this is a great question, it was also very hard for me to answer.
How can I pick one song out of, say, one hundred, that have shaped me to be who I am?
If placed in the perfect situation, I would have answered with one hundred of my favorite and most meaningful songs to my life and explained why ALL of those identified me. These songs come from all different artists, genres, years. They feature different instrumentation and ideas. But, they have all influenced me to be the person who I am and want to be: more creative, fun, happy-go-lucky, loving. Less serious, not as worried for a sixteen year old.
And, I really hope I made the right choice, out of one hundred, to pick the one.
I hope if you were presented with this question, you would make the right choice, too.
Because we are what we listen to.
cool.........great response.:-)